Ronald Regan DEM administrative portal
RR ED Phone Numbers
ED numbers
Main attending 78447
U3 attending 78448
Senior res 78449
Junior res 78450
U3 res 78451
Intern 78393
Triage hospitalist 79873
Radiology operator 78700
CT PM reading 78737
GI/ABD reading 78737
Neuro reading 78729
Chest reading 78704
CT tech 78786
Xray tech 78703
MRI 78745
US 78796
RR operator 66766
CWA 78407
Bed control 56922
Blood Bank 78150
RR Lab 78100
ED LAB 78159
Pharm ER 77219
Pharm RR 77621
Social Work 79805
CM 797639
RT 78912
CCU p90080
J (liquid onc) p90050
MICU p90090
Neuro Gen p89114
Neuro Stroke p90130
Renal non transplant p96110
Renal transplant p96220
Psych p95722
C (onc) p90021
ENT p89060
Face: even days ENT; Odd days plastics
Gyn p90595
Liver p89190
Neurosurg p94320
OB p95944
Optho p33887
Ortho p88003
Plastics p89074
Spine: even days neurosurgery; odd days ortho
Trauma R1 76453/p95549
Trauma R3 76454 / p95550
U (colorectal ) p90022
Urology p89045
Vascular p90065
Medicine Admission Criteria
Arrhythmias: known a.fib & stable, medicine; new onset or unstable, CCU
Rule out MI: low risk, OBS; low risk not obs appropriate, Medicine; high risk, CCU
Syncope: low risk, OBS; moderate risk, Medicine; high risk, CCU
s/p Heart Transplant: CCU
HTN Emergency: CCU
CHF: mild, medicine; new onset or severe, CCU
Asthma: mild, OBS; moderate, Medicine; severe, MICU
CAP: mild, OBS; moderate, medicine; severe, MICU
Pulm HTN: mild-moderate, Medicine; severe, MICU
s/p Lung transplant: mild-moderate, Medicine; severe, MICU
Pulm Fibrosis: mild-moderate, Medicien; severe, MICU
Gastroenteritis: mild, OBS; mod-severe, Medicine
PO Intolerance: mild or known cause, OBS; unknown cause or severe, Medicine
ERCP: Medicine
Upper/Lower GI Bleed: Stable with HGB >/= 7, Medicine; Active or HGB <7, MICU
Sx Anemia: known dx or admit for tx only, OBS; new dx, Medicine
Neutropenia/Fever: J patient, J service; not a J patient, Medicine
ALL: J service,
AML: J service,
s/p BMT: J service,
Solid Tumors: SMH; unless not a Solid One Patient or Patient refused transfer, Medicine
Hyponatremia: Na >/= 120, Medicine; Na <120, MICU
Hypernatremia: Na </= 160, Medicine; Na > 160, MICU
Hypokalemia: K>/= 2.5, Medicine; K<2.5, MICU
Hyperkalemia: K</= 6, Medicine, K>6, MICU
s/p Renal Transplant: stable, Medicine
Myxedema Coma: MICU
Thyroid Storm: MICU
Cellulitis: stable, OBS; if DM, PVD, immunocompromised or involving hand, Medicine
EtOH Withdrawal: mild&uncomplicated, OBS; moderate, Medicine; Severe, MICU
Neuro Checks: >q2h, Medicine; </= q2h, MICU
Frequent Labs: <q4h, MICU
Suctioning: >q1h, Medicine; </=q1h, MICU
Medicine Bed Requests / Sign-Outs / Transfers / Misc
Bed Requests
24 hours a day, place bed request prior to calling hospitalist.
5pm to 7am: call hospitalist; If hospitalist does not agree with bed request they change the bed request.
7am to 5pm: do not call hospitalist unless OBS admission or dispo questions; if medicine team disagrees with dispo they change the bed request.
Sign Outs
5pm to 7am: place bed request, call hospitalist. give a one line sign-out. medicine team will then call you for full sign out.
7am to 5pm: place bed request, a medicine team will call you; unless OBS, call hospitalist.
at all times, if team disagrees with bed request, that team will change bed request and sign out to team they think is most appropriate, ED not responsible for changing bed request or re-signing out to another team, this includes OBS sign-outs
Capped Services
5pm to 7am: All medicine admissions should be through triage hospitalist who will redirect admissions based on capped services.
7am to 5pm: if CCU, MICU or J service are capped, they will let hospitalist know, hospitalist will inform CWA who will let ED know to follow the below changes in bed requests.
If Capped:
COU admissions to be changed to Medicine with Cardiology c/s
CCU admissions to change to MICU or next available ICU bed
MICU admissions to next available ICU bed
J service admissions to change to Medicine
Santa Monica Transfers
If ED states “Not appropriate for transfer” but hospitalist or case manager disagree, hospitalist will change this designation. If CM disagrees with ED decision on appropriateness of transfer, they are to call hospitalist, not ED team to discuss.
Next Day Follow-Up
Evaluation and Treatment Center in Santa Monica:
1245 16th Street Suite 125
Direct Line : 310-899-7440
What is it? Urgent Care Type Center with expanded resources)
How to be seen there?
Scheduling a patient to be assessed by an MD the following day after an ED Visit can be accomplished by calling the Direct Line above.
1)Patients will be provided an appointment time Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 5:00PM
2) Patients may also “walk in” to the evaluation without an appointment Monday through Friday 5:00PM to 9:00PM; Saturday, Sunday and Holidays walk in patients are seen 9:00AM to 5:00PM
3) MD orders are not required for these appointments as the evaluating MD would assess the patient for ongoing medical needs
Nurses Service ONLY Appointments
1) Patients who require care that a registered nurse can provide may be scheduled for RN Services only
2) These appointments are also scheduled at the number above, however would require orders from a treating physician
a) Care such as IV hydration
b) IV Antibiotics