Harbor:Peds ED follow-up track information

  • Place lab checks for any lab that will not result during the patient's visit
    • Examples: urine/throat/wound cultures, urine GC/Chlamydia, pertussis PCR, thyroid function tests
    • Use the ED Post Visit Plan on the Depart Process, choose PED, not PVCC
      • Get a phone number where the patient can be reached best
      • If time, assist patient in enrolling in DHS wellness portal
        • Go to dhs.lacounty.gov and click My Wellness and enroll me
        • This is especially important for adolescents and young adults with STI testing
        • If the adolescent does not want a parent to know about a lab test, be sure to enter that information
      • Click Lab/Radiology follow-up
      • Specify result to be checked and plan
      • If you don't do this while the patient is still on the track, you need to do an extra step: Events→Request Event→ED Post Visit Peds, or else they will not be on the f/u track (HAR Follow Up)
  • You can order phone f/u calls to check on patient's symptoms
    • Do as for lab check above, except check Symptom Follow-up and specify what symptoms to ask about
  • We are no longer putting patients needing e-consult or referrals on the PED post visit plan track
    • If a patient needs a referral and is OOP (any degree of acuity), send back to their primary physician
    • If a patient needs a referral relatively acutely AND is DHS eligible, call the subspecialty service to get approval
    • If a patient needs a referral but not acutely AND is DHS EMPANELED (not just eligible), send back to their DHS provider
    • If a patient needs a referral but not acutely and is DHS eligible but not empaneled, give community partner clinics handout
  • Phone and lab checks will be done by NPs on Mon - Fri and by the 10am-7:30pm intern / resident on Sat, Sun, holidays
  • Detailed instructions are in a binder labeled "F/U Instructions" in the PED, and on Pemsource.org on the Harbor page