Traumatic foley catheter removal
- Altered male patient pulls out Foley catheter with the balloon still inflated
Clinical Features
- Usually blood at the meatus
Differential Diagnosis
Genitourinary Trauma
- Urinary system
- Genital
- Other
- Child abuse
- Pelvic fracture (often accompanies)
- Sexual assault
- Clinical
- Little prospective epidemiological data on type of injury or management
- Does not usually result in massive urethral injury
- Suggested approach
- Gently pass another Foley catheter
- Avoids urethral obstruction by tears or clots and allows healing of urethral trauma
- Irrigate bladder to remove blood
- If does not gently pass, consult urology
- Gently pass another Foley catheter
- Large ace bandage around patient's leg to obscure the majority of the catheter
- Decoy Catheter(s)
- Tuck real catheter between patient's legs and taped it to the back of leg
- Tuck one to multiple dummy Foleys that the patient can reach (and intermittently pull on to keep busy) [1]