Sitz bath

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  • A bath in which a person sits in water up to the hips
  • Used to relieve discomfort and pain in the lower part of the body

A sitz bath may be created simply by filling a bathtub with some water and sitting in it for a few minutes. Alternatively, a large basin can be used. There are also special devices that fit into toilet bowls. Sitz baths may either be warm or cool. Some people find alternating between hot and cold water soothing. Sitz baths may be filled with just water, or substances such as salt, baking soda or vinegar can be added.


  • May either be warm or cool
  • An ordinary bathtub can be filled with 3cm of hot water about 110F
  • Sat in for 15–20 minutes or until the water cools down
  • Alternatively, a large basin can be used, and there are specially built devices that fit into toilet bowls.

See Also