Rift valley fever
(Redirected from Rift Valley Fever)
- Viral illness caused by RVF virus, a bunyaviridae
- Primarily infects domesticated animals; cattle, sheep, buffalo, etc.
- Outbreaks related to unusually heavy rainfall and flooding
- Found mostly in eastern and southern Africa where domesticated animals are raised
- Can be found in most of Africa
- Recent outbreaks in Saudi Arabia and Yemen (first outside African continent)
- Outbreaks cause major economic impact with livestock death
- Mosquitos, most commonly Aedes, are a reservoir and vector for RVF virus
- Able to live with the virus and pass on to offspring, virus remains viable in eggs
- Bite livestock and humans to cause infection
- Increased rainfall increases mosquito numbers and is associated with outbreaks
- Humans are most commonly infected through direct contact of blood or other bodily fluids of infected livestock
- Slaughter, veterinary procedures, obstetrical procedures
- No documented human to human transmission
- Aerosolized transfer has occurred in laboratory settings
Clinical Features
- Incubation period of 2-6 days
- No symptoms or flu-like illness (fever, myalgias, joint pain, headache)
- Early disease can be mistaken for meningitis with occasional neck stiffness and sensitivity to light
- Resolves within 1 week
- Occular form- 0.5-2% of patients
- Mild disease form + retinal lesions, blurred and decreased vision
- Retinal lesions occur 1-3 weeks after disease onset and last 10-12 weeks
- 50% of patients with macular lesions will develop permanent vision loss
- Meningoencephalitis form- <1% of patients
- Severe headache, memory loss, hallucinations, confusion, vertigo, seizures, coma, and late neurological complications
- Onset is 1-4 weeks after mild symptoms
- Residual severe neurological deficits are common
- Hemorrhagic fever form- <1% of patients
- Jaundice is first sign due to liver dysfunction
- Hemorrhage (vomit, stool, gums, menorrhagia), purpuric rash, echymosis
- Onset is 2-4 days after illness, death in 3-6 days
- Most fatalities from RVF, 50% fatality rate
Differential Diagnosis
Fever in traveler
- Normal causes of acute fever!
- Malaria
- Dengue
- Leptospirosis
- Typhoid fever
- Typhus
- Viral hemorrhagic fevers
- Chikungunya
- Yellow fever
- Rift valley fever
- Q fever
- Amebiasis
- Zika virus
- Pursue other possible causes of fever
- IgM ELISA, viral detection, and RT-PCR can be used to diagnose acute infection. IgG ELISA for previous infection.
- Mild: requires no intervention (self limited_
- Severe
- Supportive Care
- Pain control
- DO NOT use ASA in hemorrhagic form
- Pain control
- IVFs
- Blood Component Transfusion - consider in hemorrhagic shock
- Supportive Care
- Inactivated vaccine has been developed for humans
- Not licensed and not commercially available
- Experimental use on veterinary and lab workers
- Approved vaccines for livestock
- Isolation precautions: standard, contact, and consider droplet
- Admit if severe form suspected, likely ICU
- Consult ID
- Consult ophthalmology for ocular form