Knee fractures
(Redirected from Knee Fracture)
- Most patients with severe ligamentous or meniscal injury have normal radiographs
- Lipohemarthrosis suggests occult fracture
- Lateral view: Fat-fluid level indicates intra-articular fracture
Differential Diagnosis
Knee diagnoses
Acute knee injury
- Knee dislocation
- Knee fractures
- Meniscus and ligament knee injuries
- Patella dislocation
- Patellar tendonitis
- Patellar tendon rupture
- Quadriceps tendon rupture
- Arthritis
- Gout and Pseudogout
- Osgood-Schlatter disease
- Patellofemoral syndrome (Runner's Knee)
- Patellar tendonitis (Jumper's knee)
- Pes anserine bursitis
- Popliteal cyst (Bakers cyst)
- Prepatellar bursitis (nonseptic)
- Septic bursitis
- Septic joint