EBQ:A national evaluation of the effect of trauma-center care on mortality
incomplete Journal Club Article
MacKenzie E. et el.. "A national evaluation of the effect of trauma-center care on mortality". NEJM. 2006. 354(4):366-78.
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Clinical Question
Is there a difference in mortality between trauma patients treated at level 1 trauma centers vs non-trauma centers?
The risk of death is significantly lower for patients treated at a trauma center than at non-trauma center.
Major Points
Study Design
Prospective cohort study.
Patient Demographics
Inclusion Criteria
- Age 18-84
- Arrived alive at the hospital
- At least one injury with a score ≥3 on the Abbreviated Injury Scale
Exclusion Criteria
- Arrived at hospital without vital signs and pronounced dead within 30 min of arrival
- Sought treatment >24 hr after injury
- Age ≥65 years with first listed diagnosis as hip fracture
- Neither English- nor Spanish-speaking
- Non-US residents
- Incarcerated or homeless at the time of injury
Primary Outcome
Secondary Outcomes
Subgroup analysis