Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(Redirected from CAH)
- 95% of cases due to deficiency of 21-hydroxylase
- Leads to cortisol deficiency, aldosterone deficiency, virilization
- Patients present during 2nd-5th week of life in crisis
- Although congenital adrenal hyperplasia is part of the normal neonatal screening, results might not be available for 3 to 4 weeks.
Clinical Features
- Patient presents in 2nd week of life in crisis
- Lethargy, irritability, poor feeding, vomiting, dehydration, shock
- Salt-wasting
- Virilization: The development of male-pattern physical traits in females
- Brown hue skin color
- Partial CAH may present later and less dramatically with irregular menses in adolescence
Differential Diagnosis
- Adrenal salt-wasting crisis
Sick Neonate
- Trauma
- Heart
- Congenital heart disease
- Hypovolemia
- Endocrine
- Metabolic
- Sodium
- Calcium
- Glucose
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Seizure
- Formula / feeding problems
- Intestinal Disasters
- Toxin
- Sepsis
Adrenal crisis
- Bedside glucose
- Chemistry
- Hyponatremia
- Hyperkalemia - rarely causes cardiac dysfunction
- NS 10-20mL/kg bolus 0.9% saline solution or 5% dextrose in normal saline
- Hypotonic saline or 5% dextrose without addition of NS should not be used as can worsen hyponatremia
- Steroid replacement
- Neonates: Hydrocortisone 25mg IV/IO
- Obtain blood sample for steroid hormone measurement
- Most importantly 17-OHP (17-hydroxyprogesterone) to evaluate for 21-hydroxylase deficiency prior to administering hydrocortisone
- Hypoglycemia
- If significant hypoglycemia, given IV bolus 5-10mL/kg of 10% dextrose (0.5-1.0 g/kg) or 2-4mL/kg of 25% dextrose (D25) infused slowly at rate of 2-3 mL/min
- Hyperkalemia
- Typically improves promptly after hydrocortisone
- Rare occasionally for severe and symptomatic hyperkalemia, administration of glucose and insulin is needed to manage hyperkalemia
- Admit
See Also
- ↑ Brousseau T, Sharieff GQ. Newborn emergencies: the first 30 days of life. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2006 Feb;53(1):69-84, vi.