WikEM social media partnership program

(Redirected from Blog outreach program)

WikEM Social Media Partners

WikEM as a Hub

About the Program

The WikEM Social Media Partnership Program is simple. We want experts to contribute to our content and are happy to drive traffic to partner blogs, podcasts, videos, and other social media sites using our unified communication platforms (which generate over 250,000 unique impressions per month). That's a lot people interested in emergency medicine who may also be interested in your content!

Becoming a Partner

To become a WikEM Social Media Partner:

  1. Look at the relevant WikEM page for your specific topic (e.g. Intranasal sedation)
  2. Update anything on the WikEM page that you think needs it, so it is up to date and consistent with your social media post (make at least some edit, so we know you checked it)
  3. Insert a link from that WikEM page to your specific content page (under External Links at the bottom; you can insert this area if it is not there for that page)
  4. Put a link from your specific content page to the specific WikEM page of interest
  5. When that's all done, let us know (info@wikem.org). We'll use our universal communication system to alert the emergency medicine community to your new post and drive traffic to your site


  • Partner videos can be linked under the External Links (as above) or inserted directly at the end of the page
  • Inserted videos must:
    1. Follow the directions for the general partnership program (above)
    2. Be 5 minutes or less in total duration
    3. Use YouTube via our widget
    4. Not have any starting advertisements
    5. Preferably reference the specific WikEM page of interest

Fine Print

Social media sites may choose to stop being a WikEM partner at any time and may remove links from the wiki if they so wish. WikEM reserves the right not to partner with particular social media sites and to cease the relationship at any time, for reasons including content that is deemed (in WikEM's sole opinion) not to be of interest to the emergency medicine community, if social media posts are offensive, or if they are of medically suspect quality.

See Also