(Redirected from Agranulocytosis)
- ANC = (total WBC) x (%segs + %bands)
- Nadir usually occurs 5-10d after chemo
- Duration of neutropenia depends on type of cancer treatment
- Solid tumor treatments: <5d
- Hematologic malignancies: 14d or longer
- (Leukemia or lymphoma) + chemo most commonly associated with neutropenia
Neutropenic fever definition
- ANC <500 OR <1000 with predicted nadir of <500 in 48h AND
- Fever ≥ 38.3˚C (100.9˚F) once OR sustained temperature ≥38 (100.4) for >1hr
- Oral temperature (do not obtain rectal temp; risk of inducing bacteremia[1])
See Also
- ↑ Fleischman RJ. Emergency Complications of Malignancy. In: Cydulka RK, Fitch MT, Joing SA, Wang VJ, Cline DM, Ma O. eds. Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Manual, 8e. McGraw-Hill; Accessed December 09, 2020.§ionid=162273381