Zinc toxicity
- Transition metal
- Essential nutrient
- Exposure from diet, medicinal uses, nutritional supplements, and occupational exposures
- Multiple case reports of zinc toxicity related to ingestion of United States pennies which contain 97.5% zinc
- Absorbed primarily in the jejunum
- Excreted via the GI tract with minimal amounts excreted in the urine
- Accumulates in erythrocytes
- Whole blood concentrations are 6-7x higher than in the serum
- Inverse relationship with copper
- Excess zinc absorption will cause a counterregulatory response resulting in copper elimination
Clinical Features
- GI distress
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- GI bleeding
- Partial and full thickness burns causing strictures with zinc chloride solutions with >20% zinc
- Inhalation
- Lacrimation
- Rhinitis
- Dyspnea
- Acute lung injury
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Metal fume fever
- Zinc induced copper deficiency
- Reversible sideroblastic anemia
- Reversible myelodysplastic syndrome
- Progressive myeloneuropathy
- Spastic gait
- Sensory ataxia
Differential Diagnosis
Heavy metal toxicity
- Aluminum toxicity
- Antimony toxicity
- Arsenic toxicity
- Barium toxicity
- Bismuth toxicity
- Cadmium toxicity
- Chromium toxicity
- Cobalt toxicity
- Copper toxicity
- Gold toxicity
- Iron toxicity
- Lead toxicity
- Lithium toxicity
- Manganese toxicity
- Mercury toxicity
- Nickel toxicity
- Phosphorus toxicity
- Platinum toxicity
- Selenium toxicity
- Silver toxicity
- Thallium toxicity
- Tin toxicity
- Zinc toxicity
- Copper level
- Ceruloplasmin level
- Abdominal films to assess for foreign bodies
- Will show increase T2 signal in the dorsal columns of the cervical cord
- Oral toxicity
- Supportive Care
- Consider whole bowel irrigation
- Inhalation
- Supportive care
- Metal fume fever
- Usually self limiting
- CXR usually normal
- Chelation
- Limited data on use, and data present is based off of case reports and treatment for lead toxicity [1]
- Consider in patients with hemodynamic compromise
- CaNa2EDTA, British antilewisite, DTPA were all successfully used in case reports
- 1000mg/m2/d IV CaNa2EDTA every 6 hours
- Based on a successful case report, but should be given in conjunction with toxicology or poison control center
- Dermal Exposures
- Do not use water in metallic zinc exposures
- Concern metal will ignite
- Remove zinc with forceps and apply mineral oil to affected skin
- Do not use water in metallic zinc exposures
- Copper replacement
- Oral copper alone shown to improve hematopoietic effects and prevent further neurological deterioration [2]
- Consult Toxicology or poison control