Toxicology (main)


Autonomic Nervous System

  1. Parasympathetic - ACh is transm
    1. Muscarinic
      1. receptors in heart, eye, lung, GI, skin and sweat glands
      2. Bradycardia
      3. Miosis
      4. Bronchorrhea / Bronchospasm
      5. Hyperperistalsis (SLUDGE)
      6. Sweating
      7. Vasodilation
    2. Nicotinic
      1. receptors in both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
      2. fasciculations, flaccid paralysis
      3. ?Mild bradycardia, hypotension
  2. Sympathetic
    1. ALPHA EFFECTS - vessels, eye, skin
      1. Mydriasis, HTN, Sweating
    2. BETA EFFECTS - heart, lungs
      1. Tachycardia, Bronchodilation


Toxicological Exam

  1. All VS (Temp, RR,HR, BP)
  2. Neuro Exam
    1. Level of consciousness
    2. Pupillary exam
    3. Motor response
  3. Skin Exam - moisture, temp
  4. Lung Exam
  5. Bowel Sounds

Toxidrome Chart

Toxidrome Chart

Finding Cholinergic Anticholinergic Sympathomimetic Sympatholytic^ Sedative/Hypnotic
Example Organophosphates TCAs Cocaine Clonidine ETOH
Temp Nl Nl / ↑ Nl / ↑ Nl / ↓ Nl / ↓
RR Variable Nl / ↓ Variable Nl / ↓ Nl / ↓
HR Variable ↑ (sig) Nl / ↓ Nl / ↓
BP Nl / ↓ Nl / ↓
LOC Nl / Lethargic Nl, agitated, psychotic, comatose Nl, agitated, psychotic Nl, Lethargic, or Comatose Nl, Lethargic, or Comatose
Pupils Variable Mydriatic Mydriatic Nl / Miotic
Motor Fasciculations, Flacid Paralysis  Nl Nl / Agitated Nl
Skin Sweating (sig) Hot, dry Sweating Dry
Lungs Bronchospasm / rhinorrhea Nl Nl Nl
Bowel Sounds Hyperactive (SLUDGE) ↓ / Absent Nl / ↓ Nl / ↓
^Consider Sympatholytic when looking at Sedative OD or someone who doesn't respond to Narcan
Withdrawal from substances have the opposite effect
^Consider Sympatholytic when looking at Sedative OD or someone who doesn't respond to Narcan

Differential Diagnosis for Specific Signs


  1. Altered Metabolism
    1. Aspirin (Salicylate) Toxicity
    2. withdrawal states
    3. thyroid hormones
    4. dinitrophenols
  2. Increased Muscle Activity
    1. withdrawal, sympathomimetics
    2. MAOI Toxicity
    3. PCP, LSD
    4. Lithium
    5. Amoxapine
    6. Serotonin Syndrome
  3. Impaired Heat Dissipation
    1. anticholinergics
    2. antihistamines
    3. antipsychotics (TCAs)
  4. Malignant Hyperthermia
    1. anesthestics
  5. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
    1. phenothiazines, Lithium, LevoDopa


  1. Exposure
    1. Ethanol Toxicity
    2. Sedative hypnotics
    3. Narcotics
    4. TCAs
    5. Phenothiazines
    6. Insulin (Hypoglycemia)

Increased Respiratory Rate

  1. Direct Stimulation
    1. Aspirin (Salicylate) Toxicity
    2. Metabolic Acidosis
    3. dintirophenol, pentachlorophenol
    4. hepatorenal failure
    5. CNS stimulants (cocaine, amphet, theophylline)
  2. Tissue Hypoxia
    1. CO
    2. Cyanide
    3. Hydrogen Sulfide
    4. Methemoglobinemia

Respiratory Depression

  1. Central Depression
    1. antipsychotics
    2. Chlorinated hydrocarbons
    3. Sedative/Hypnotics (Ethanol Toxicity, glycols)
    4. Tricyclic (TCA) Toxicity
    5. Lomitil
  2. Muscle Failure
    1. Organophosphates
    2. Marine Toxins
    3. Nicotine
    4. strychnine
    5. botulinis
    6. Mojave rattlesnake, Cobra

See Also


Originally adapted from BIRNBAUMER