Software development

Revision as of 06:19, 21 March 2014 by Rossdonaldson1 (talk | contribs)

If you are interested in helping develop WikEM, we would love your help! We are looking for software developers, experienced system administrators, and users to help beta test.

WikEM Development Projects

  • iOS Application (iPhone, iPod Touch)
  • Android Application
  • Wiki-Mobile application interface
  • WikEM MediaWiki Server
  • Beta Testing New Releases

Contributing to the iOS Application

The iOS application is an open source project which is hosted on To download a copy of the source code pleaes visit If you would like to contribute a feature / bug fix:

  1. Register on github (free)
  2. Upload your public ssh key to github
  3. Fork the wikem-ios repository
  4. Create a git branch describing your feature (eg improved-search-performance)
  5. Commit your changes and push to your personal fork
  6. Submit a pull request (

Your submission will be reviewed, and if accepted, will be integrated into the next release! Any authors who contribute to the project will have their names added to the developers list in the published application.

Wiki-Mobile Interface

Currently, we utilize a server script which parses the wikem wiki and generates an XML database for the mobile clients. Our wiki is built upon the MediWiki project, and the XML database is generated using a ruby script. If you have experiencing in managing web services and would like to contribute to this area, please message an administrator.

MediaWiki Server

We encourage users who are interested in adding wiki features to contribute directly to the mediawiki project ( so that your features will be available to the entire wiki community.

See Also
