Rotator cuff tear
- Majority of tears occur due to chronic impingement in patients >40yrs
- Acute tears require significant trauma: shoulder dislocation, FOOSH
- Consider rotator cuff tear in patient with weakness for >3wk after acute shoulder dislocation
- Supraspinatus is most commonly affected tendon
Clinical Features
- Acute Injury
- "Tearing" sensation in shoulder followed by severe pain / inability to raise arm
- Inability to abduct or externally rotate arm against even minimal resistance
- Drop arm test is positive
- Local swelling
- Chronic Injury
- Gradual and progressive pain, worse at night
- Pain localizes to lateral aspect of upper arm
- Arm elevation, external rotation, and lifting objects worsens the pain
- Exam
- Disuse atrophy may be present in chronic tears
- TTP lateral aspect of upper arm or in subacromial region
Rotator Cuff Tests
- Supraspinatus Test (+ LR 3.2)
- Abduct arm to 90', forward flex it 30' with thumb down ("empty beer can position")
- Test for pain/weakness against resistance to continued abduction
- Infraspinatus and Teres Minor Test
- Stabilize the elbow against the patient's waist and bend the elbow to 90'
- Test for pain/weakness against resistance to external rotation
- External rotation lag sign - more specific to teres minor, given overlap between infraspinatus and teres minor[1]
- Support the arm to 20-30 degrees in scapular plane, externally rotated, elbow flexed to 90 degrees
- Positive test is pain or difficulty in keeping the arm from internally rotating when clinician lets go
- Subscapularis (+ LR 1.9)
- Place hand behind lower back
- Test for pain/weakness as patient attempts to push examiner's hand away by moving dorsum of hand away from back
- Drop arm test
- Patient is unable to hold or smoothly lower an extended arm at 90' of shoulder abduction with out dropping it
Differential Diagnosis
Shoulder and Upper Arm Diagnoses
- Shoulder Dislocation
- Clavicle fracture
- Humerus fracture
- Scapula fracture
- Acromioclavicular joint injury
- Glenohumeral instability
- Rotator cuff tear
- Biceps tendon rupture
- Triceps tendon rupture
- Septic joint
- Rotator cuff tear
- Impingement syndrome
- Calcific tendinitis
- Adhesive capsulitis
- Biceps tendinitis
- Subacromial bursitis
- Cervical radiculopathy
Refered pain & non-orthopedic causes:
- Referred pain from
- Neck
- Diaphragm (e.g. gallbladder disease)
- Brachial plexus injury
- Axillary artery thrombosis
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Subclavian steal syndrome
- Pancoast tumor
- Myocardial infarction
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary embolism
- See Shoulder (Tests)
- Diagnosis should rely on clinical findings; cannot use imaging to rule-out tear
- May give some diagnostic information:
- Narrowing of acromiohumeral space (<7mm) is most specific sign
- May see humeral head sclerosis, osteophytes on undersurface of acromion/clavicle
- Arm sling until acute symptoms subside
- Analgesia
- Exercises
- Pendulum swings
- Patient bends slightly at waist with arm hanging freely in front of body
- Arms should be swung in gentle arcs of motion both clockwise and counter-clockwise
- Swing to level of pain tolerance x 5-10min TID-QID
- Walk fingers up wall
- Stand sideways an arm's length from wall and walk fingers up wall to level of pain tolerance TID-QID
- Pendulum swings
- Ortho follow-up within 1 week
See Also
- ↑ Collin P et al. What is the Best Clinical Test for Assessment of the Teres Minor in Massive Rotator Cuff Tears? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Sep;473(9):2959-66.