Postpartum endometritis


  • Any postpartum woman with fever should be assumed to have a genital tract infection

Risk Factors

  1. Cesarean delivery (most important)
  2. Prolonged labor
  3. Prolonged ROM
  4. Internal fetal or uterine monitoring
  5. Large amount of meconium in amniotic fluid
  6. Manual removal of placenta
  7. DM
  8. Preterm birth
  9. Bacterial vaginosis
  10. Operative vaginal delivery
  11. Post-term pregnancy
  12. HIV infection
  13. Colonization with group B strep


  1. Fever
  2. Foul-smelling lochia
  3. Leukocytosis
  4. Uterine tenderness
  5. Only scant discharge may be present (esp w/ group B strep)


  1. Respiratory tract infection
  2. UTI/urosepsis
  3. Pyelonephritis
  4. Intra-abdominal abscess
  5. Mastitis
  6. Thrombophlebitis


  • Abx
    • Outpatient
      • Clindamycin 300mg PO TID
    • Inpatient
      • Clindamycin 900mg IV TID + gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg IV TID


  • Consult OB/GYN first if are considering outpt management
  • Admit all pts who appear ill, have had a C-section, or underlying comorbid conditions

See Also

Post-Partum Emergencies


  • Tintinalli
  • Rosen's