Kaji Review Questions (Main)

Revision as of 05:54, 30 September 2013 by Ostermayer (talk | contribs) (Dano moved page EBQ:Amy Kaji Questions to EBQ:Kaji Review Questions over redirect)

Amy Kaji MD PhD, faculty at Harbor-UCLA, has created an extraordinary set of Emergency Medicine review questions. These questions will live on WikEM with eventual incorporation into articles and CME modules. Please help format the questions for wiki quiz format.

Copy a question from the below documents and recreate it here with the wiki quiz markup. Then delete the question from the google document so that future users do not replicate the question.

Set 1 || Set 2 || Set 3 || Set 4 || Set 5 || Set 6 || Set 7 || Set 8 || Set 9

1 How many minutes of apnea can a normal, healthy adult tolerate before oxygen desaturation to less than 90% occurs after administration of 100% oxygen for 3 minutes of normal, tidal volume breathing (preoxygenation)?

1 minute
3 minutes
5 minutes
8 minutes
10 minutes

2 Regarding testicular torsion (TT), which of the following statements is true

TT is the 3rd most common cause of a malpractice lawsuit in adolescent males 12-17 years old.
In the hands of an experienced emergency physician, it is possible to consistently and accurately differentiate TT from epididymoorchitis (EO) by physical examination alone.
The presence of a cremasteric reflex essentially rules out TT.
TT that present after 6 hours are not salvageable and no longer need to be evaluated in an emergent manner.
Color Doppler ultrasound is a consistently reliable tool for confirming the diagnosis of testicular torsion.

3 If time is insufficient for a full 3 minute preoxygenation phase, how many vital capacity breaths using high-flow oxygen can achieve oxygen saturations and apnea times that match or exceed those obtained with traditional preoxygenation?

