Heat stroke

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- temp > 40 and cns dysfnctn

- often fatal, if survive probable brain damage

- results from thermoregulatory failure coupled with exaggerated acute phase response and proteins

- classic/ nonexertional- from exposure to heat

-nonclassic/ exertional- from strenous activity

- is hyperthermia with systemic inflmm response and multiorgan dysfnctn predominated with encephalopathy

- usually v young or elderly, poor or socially isolated, no access to air conditioning

- genetic factors may lead to susceptibility- genes involved in making heat shock proteins and those involved in adaptation to heat stress.


Heat wave- 3 or more consecutive days temp>32.3

Heat Stress- perceived discomfort and physio stress esp during work

Heat Stroke- temp >40 and cns dz

Heat Exhaustion- thirst, weakness, anxiety, dizzy, HA due to temp and water and salt depletion. Temp can be low, high or normal. (>37 but <40)

Hyperthermia- body temp above hypothal set point and heat dissapating mechs overwhelmed- either by internal or external factors

Multiorgan Dysfnc- changes occur after trauma, sepsis, heat stroke


-involves thermoregulation and acclimatization, acute phase response, and heat shock proteins


- body heat from metabolism and environment

- if blood temp rises 1C, peripheral and hypothalamic heat receptors triggered and warm blood shunted to periphery- sympathetic cutaneous vasodilatation- more blood to skin and muscles

- also get sweating- needs thermal gradient to work.

- increased blood temp causes increase cardiac output, tachycardia, increased minute ventilation.

- also get decreased splanchnic blood flow

- can lose 2L sweat per hour- need replenish with salt and water.


- by successive increments- takes several weeks and enhances cardiovascular performance

- activete renin- angiotensin- aldosterone sys,

- salt conservation by sweat glands and kidneys

- increase in capacity for secrete sweat

- increase plasma vol

- increase ability to resist exertional rhabdo

Acute Phase Response

- protects against tissue inj and promotes repair

- onset of inflammation is local

- systemic progression of infl response secondary- similar to sepsis

Heat Shock Response

- all cells respond to heat by making heat shock or stress proteins- controlled at level of gene xcription

- increased level of intracellular heat shgck protein induce state of transient tolerance to second lethal heat stress

- heat shock protein acts as cellular chaperone that bind to partially folded or misfolded protein preventing irreversible denaturation

- other possibility is heat shock pro acts as central regulator of baroreceptor reflex response abating hypotnsn, bradycardia, and conferring cardiovascular protectn

Progression from Heat Stress to Stroke

- due to thermoreg failure, exagrtn of acute phase resp, and altertn of exprsn of heat shock protein

Thermoreg Failure

- normal cardiac adaption is to increase cardiac output and shift hot core blood to perifery

- may be unable to increase CO due to salt/ water balance, CAD, or med side effect.

- leads to heat stroke

Exaggeration of Acute Phase Response

- gi tract fuels response

- normally with exercise or hyperthermia, blood flows from gut to muscles- leads to intestinal ischemia and hyperpermeability

- gi hypoxia leads to free radical damage that increases mucosal injury

- with heat stress, endotoxin from gut enters circulation- leads to hemodynamic instab.

- if pretreat with anti- entox antibody- decrease response and improve outcome

- leakage of endotoxin leads to increased infl cytokines which lead to endothelial- cell activation- causes alteration of thermoregulatory set point, alters vasc tone and thereby precipitates hypotn, hyperthermia and heat stroke

Alteration of Heat Shock Response

- increased levels of heat shock proteins protect cells from damage from heat, ischemia, hypoxia, endotox and infl cytokines

- heat shock response is adaptive and protective

- less response and higher risk of going from heat stress to heat stroke in elderlly, lack of acclimitazation, genetics



- heat injures tissue/ cells

- thermal max is 41.6- 42C for 45 min to 8 hrs


- infl cytokines increase with heat but cooling does not suppress these factors

- lvls correlate to severity of heat stroke

- imbalance btwn infl and antiinfl cytokines leads to either infl induce injury or immune suppression

- incidence of infection in pt with heat stroke high

- IL-1 antagonist or steroids before heat stroke attenuates injury, sxs and improves survival

Coagulation Disorders and Endothelial Cell Injury

- heat stroke has microvasc thrombosis and endothelial cell damage- like DIC

- with heat get increased coagulation and fibrinolysis- but as cool, fibrinolysis stops but coagulation persists- as in sepsis

Clinical and Metabolic Manifestations

- heat stroke- hot and altered

- sz esp when cooling

- tachy and hyperventilation

- may have hypotn

- nonexertional heat stroke- have resp alk

- exertional- resp alk and lactic acidosis, also rhabdo and electrolyte abnormalities

- hypoglycemia rare

- can progress to multiorgan faillure


- cool- by conduction, evaporaton, convection.

- but if lower skin temp <30, will get cutaneous vasoconstriction and shivering!

- avoid by spraying pt with warm water or hot moving air- gradually

- no drugs helpful

- dantrolene not effective

- antipyretics not studied yet

- cns recovery is a favorable sign- but 20% will have resid damage


- is completely preventable

- acclimatize

- drink extra water

- eat more salt

- air conditioners

Emerging Concepts

- after heat stroke, cooling body may not stop infl, coagulation, multiorgan dysfnc

- so immune modulators- IL-1 recept antag, endotox antibody, steroids may be helpful but not proven yet

- consider tx c activated protein C- helps in sepsis

- ASA/ NSAIDS- activate transcription and translation of heat shock proteins and enhances tolerance of heat
