Opioid Withdrawal MAT/Bup
- Please refer all DHS patients with substance use disorder (SUD) started on medication assisted treatment (MAT) to PVCC/CCC – Har for enrollment in Dr. Brown's addiction clinic
- In the "For referral, specify need" box: "MAT for opiate/alcohol dependency"
Qualifying patients
- Active withdrawal or post-overdose: start buprenorphine in ED via buprenorphine protocol
- Not in active withdrawal but with opioid use disorder: Rx for home start using home initiation protocol
- Patients with chronic pain and opioid dependence with PMD at Harbor: message PMD AND Christopher Brown AND Gloria Sanchez to link patient to Harbor SUD clinics
- For pregnant patients - once the primary complaint is addressed (or if primary complaint is pregnant and opiate use disorder/withdrawal), if patient has confirmed IUP please send to OB triage for initiation of Suboxone during pregnancy
Consult Social Work for ALL patients started on or prescribed buprenorphine in the ED
Narcan Distribution from ED
- Available for any patient with SUD and would benefit from distribution in hand on discharge
- In Code White cabinet in purple doc box, next to the adult airway cabinet, requires key from either senior resident phones or either attending phones
- Please initial to log the distribution on the clipboard attached, no PHI required
- All patients handed Narcan also need Rx sent to pharmacy for tracking
- Please document as you otherwise would for prescribing Narcan, with the addition of .ednaloxonegiven in your note, which can soon be replaced by .naloxoneEDdistribution
FM MAT Inpatient Consult Service
- For patients 16y/o and older
- Mon-Thur 8a-4p x64398
- Call (310) 697-6030
- Message Center: Yvettte Cerna
- Flyer: FM MAT Consult Service.pdf
MAT Provider Consultation Line
- DHS on-call providers available to help initiate MAT for patients with alcohol and/or opioid use disorder
- (213) 288-9090
- 8a-12a, 7 days per week
- Flyer: MAT Consult Line.pdf
BUP/MAT Treatment and Discharge Pathway
Patient Discharge Handout
BUP Home Initiation
Patient MAT/Buprenorphine Follow Up Options
Insurance | Clinic | Hours |
DHS Empaneled and DHS Eligible (not Harbor Family Medicine) | Primary Care & Diagnostic Center (PCDC) - Basement Clinic C
1000 W. Carson St |
Schedule as "HAR PC MAT New" or
Walk-In: Monday AM or Thursday AM |
DHS Empaneled and DHS Eligible | Lomita Clinic
1430 W Lomita Blvd, 2nd Floor |
Walk-In: Tuesday AM or Friday AM
For questions, please message Gloria Sanchez, MD via ORCHID/Outlook |
DHS Empaneled, DHS Eligible, MyHealthLA, Uninsured (No OOP) | LAC+USC Urgent Care
2051 Marengo St, 2nd Floor |
Tuesday-Thursday & Saturday |
All Patients | Tarzana Treatment Center
5190 Atlantic Blvd |
24/7 |
All patients can call the Substance Abuse Service Hotline 24/7 for more help (844) 804-7500