Pulseless arrest


  1. Start CPR
  2. Give oxygen
  3. Attach monitor/defibrilator
  4. Rhythm shockable?

V-Fib and Pulseless V-Tach (Shockable)

  • Shock as quickly as possible and resume CPR immediately after shocking
    • Biphasic - 200J
    • Monophasic - 360 J
  • Give Epi 1mg if (shock + 2min of CPR) fails to convert the rhythm
  • Give antiarrhythmic if (2nd shock + 2min of CPR) again fails
    • 1st line: Amiodarone 300mg IVP w/ repeat dose of 150mg as indicated
    • 2nd line: Lidocaine 1-1.5 mg/kg then 0.5-0.75 mg/kg q5-10min
    • Polymorphic V-tach: Magnesium 2g IV, followed by maintenance infusion

Asystole and PEA (Non-Shockable)

  • Epi 1mg q3-5min
  • 3 & 3 Rule:

Three major mechanisms of PEA

  1. Severe Hypovolemia
  2. Obstruction
    1. Tension Pneumothorax
    2. Cardiac Tamponade
    3. Massive Pulmonary Embolus
  3. Pump Failure

Consider H's and T's

  1. Hypovolemia
  2. Hypoxia
  3. Hydrogen ion
  4. Hypo/hyperkalemia
  5. Hypothermia
  1. Tension pneumothorax
  2. Tamponade
  3. Toxins
  4. Thrombosis, pulmonary
  5. Thrombosis, coronary

See Also: ACLS (Treatable Conditions)


  • A (adjunct) - Place oropharyngeal airway
  • B (breathing) - place on Ventilator to assure slow ventilation rate (attach to BVM mask)
    • 10-12 bpm, 500cc tidal volume, Fio2 100%
  • C (compressions) - Switch out providers q pulse check; use metronome
  • D - defibrillation
    • Ok to shock during compressions if wearing gloves and using biphasic device
  • A (advanced airway)
    • Use LMA (NOT ET tube - no break in compressions required)
  • B (advanced breathing)
    • Connect LMA to Ventilator
      • Pressure control 20, RR 10, insp rate 1.5-2s
  • C (advanced circulation)
    • Place IO instead of central line
  • D (differential)

See Also


  • Desbiens NA. Simplifying the diagnosis and management of pulseless electrical activity in adults: a qualitative review. Critical Care Medicine. 2008;36(2):391–396.
  • AHA 2010 ACLS Guidelines
  • EMCrit Podcast #31